



Don't  get me wrong ,
I LOVE traveling alone!

I've been moving places to places for nearly 8 years now and traveling has molded me to be more mature, better  and independent person. One thing that I have learned is that traveling is a privilege that not everyone are capable to experience.

coffee and restaurant adventure

Yangon, Myanmar: where to experience local food in yangon + the checkpiont during quo de tat

Siem Reip Cambodia: where to eat in siem reip + the infamous coffee shops around siem reip

Hanoi, Vietnam: where to get the best coffee shops in hanoi, hidden cafe guides and restos reco for pizza lovers

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photo adventures

instagrammable hidden places to visit in Vietnam: there are tons of unique places inside small alleys in hanoi + french-inspired building architectures.

the magnificent sunset and sunrise in siem reip, cambodia. guide where to purchase tickets and what time to get up to see the magical sunrise in Siem Reap.

spots to get nice photos in bagan, Myanmar. what to expect traveling to bagan from yangon by bus

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accommodations: where to stay


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Getting Around 


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